Thursday, December 20

Thank You

Thank you to the person who looked through all of my blog posts on the 17th. I happened to check the blog that day and it made my poor little blogging heart go pitter patter and swell three times it's normal size... Wait, I think that's a line from the Grinch... Anyways, it's true. It sent a little thrill down my spine and filled me with glee.

That being said, thank you whoever you are who is reading this and is not the person who looked at all my blog entries on the 17th. I appreciate your interest and I just want to let you know how important you are too. Even if this is the only entry you ever read of mine and you never visit my blog again, thank you. You've made my day too.

General update: My son is still sick so I took him back to the doctor today. The double ear infection is now just a single ear infection but since the one ear seems to not have reacted to the medication, they decided to go ahead and give him the next step up in antibiotics. While the other one could possibly give him diarrhea  this one is almost sure to. Poor baby bear.

Because I had been sick for nearly five days and I'm something like thirty weeks along, my father took me to the doctor on Friday. Turns out that right now it's just a bug. I was starting to do better over the weekend but then my husband had to go and take a severe chill on Tuesday. He started complaining about lack of energy, aching limbs, and a chill around lunch time at work when we spoke and by that night he was huddling up next to me in bed because he was literally shaking. He alternated between wracking shakes and burning up. Needless to say I made him stay home Wednesday because he was still running a temperature when he woke up.

And needless to say, I managed to get some version of his chill. He was fine after a day so we're guessing it was a twenty-four hour bug. My cough has returned and I've had body aches for a few days now but I seem to be recouperating again. Hopefully all three of us can get this stuff beat by Christmas or we're going to have some very miserable looking pictures for my son's first Christmas!

The other reason I haven't posted anything is because in the middle of all this madness - ailments, crafting, the end of the world, and general Christmas mayhem - my husband and I have been trying to buy a house. One house in particular. The only problem is that we keep smacking into hurdles. Hopefully we'll have a clear idea of where we're headed on the house later today but in the meantime, it's more than a little stressful.

That being said, I have completed one other hoop art - a felt Christmas tree with snow falling around it - and I'm in the middle of making another one - the same house from my Gingerbread House ornament from last year and a felt Christmas tree with snow falling around it. Hopefully I'll be able to post the process pictures of the former either tomorrow or sometime this weekend. I still have a lot of ideas and a lot to finish before Christmas but I'll get there somehow!

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